Disclosures according to § 5 of the German Telemedia Act (Telemediengesetz, TMG)

This website is operated by 12Tree GmbH.


Address:                               Dircksenstr. 47, 10178 Berlin

Telephone:                           +49 30 2061 4299-0

Email address:                      info@12tree.de


Further information on

Management:                       Richard Focken and Oliver Hanke

Commercial register entry:  Amtsgericht Berlin-Charlottenburg, HRB 191819 B

Value added tax ID:             VAT ID: DE309670734


Responsible for website content

Eva Ross

According to the legal requirements, we are obliged to provide our customers with the following information about AHP Capital Management GmbH and its investment services: MiFID Information

Further information on AHP Capital Management GmbH

Contact:                                Information at https://www.ahp-cm.com/über-ahp/kontakt/

Complaints office:                   Information at https://www.ahp-cm.com/rechtliches/beschwerdemanagement/

Supervisory authority:             Information on BaFin at https://www.ahp-cm.com/rechtliches/impressum/

Compensation scheme:           Information on the compensation scheme for securities trading companies (Entschädigungseinrichtung der Wertpapierhandelsunternehmen, EdW) at https://www.ahp-cm.com/impressum